Expodental Rome 2012 - Events - Dental Tribune Italy

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Expodental Rome 2012



The latest news in dentistry free of charge.

  • Questo campo è a scopo di convalida e dovrebbe essere lasciato invariato.

Evento 11 - 13 ottobre 2012

The Expodental was originally established in 1969 as a touring exhibition, and moved to Milan in 1986. This far-sighted decision took advantage of the city’s strategic location between European markets and the Mediterranean.
In 2002 Expodental became International Expodental, drawing greater attention from foreign companies.
In 2009 on its 40th birthday, Expodental moved to Fiera Di Roma (Rome Fairgrounds) and reduced the show days from 4 to 3 days.
Thanks to this, the number of exhibitors raised and the exhibition registered a leap of 22.000 visitors in only 3 days.


Contact Details:

PROMUNIDI S.r.l. società unipersonale
V.öe E. Forlanini 23, 20134 Milano
Ph. +39 02 700612.1
Fax +39 02 70006546
Email: expodental@expodental.it
Homepage: http://www.expodental.it/en




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