DT U.S. 1509 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT U.S. 1509

Ultimo numero

DT U.S. 1509

Treatment acceptance: could have - should have - would have (entree) / Dentists and cardiologists should work together to prevent disease - experts say / Endo is on the menu at Dental Study Club of N.Y. / Treatment acceptance: could have - should have - would have / Five of the top 10 reasons why associateships fail / Greater N.Y. Dental Meeting’s Live Dentistry Arena attracts record number of attendees / Former hygienist now dentist - president of AGD / Dentistry meets ‘cloud computing’ match in DentalCollab by Modulus Media / Industry / Cosmetic Tribune 5/2009 / Hygiene Tribune 5/2009 /
