55th Congress Amici di Brugg - Events - Dental Tribune Italy

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55th Congress Amici di Brugg



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  • Questo campo è a scopo di convalida e dovrebbe essere lasciato invariato.

Evento 24 - 26 maggio 2012

Since 1989, alongside the scientific congress organized by the Associazione degli Amici di Brugg, UNIDI has held a parallel exhibition of Italian and foreign dental products. The congress and the exhibition are held at the Rimini Tradeshow every May. In terms of surface area occupied (7,700 sqm), number of exhibitors (about 200) and visitors (14,800), the Rimini exhibition is second only to EXPODENTAL in Italy.

The agreement between UNIDI and the Amici di Brugg affords UNIDI the chance to fit this event comfortably into the calendar of the other exhibitions that it organizes every year in Italy, and enables the Amici di Brugg to dedicate themselves wholeheartedly and exclusively to the scientific issues on their Congress agenda. All in all, the event is a good example of effective inter-association policy, allowing both the profession and industry to make use of the synergies existing between two sides of the same sector.


Contact Details:

Associazione Amici di Brugg
Via A. Cantore, 45
16149 Genova
Tel/Fax:+39 010 6451539
E-mail: segreteria@amicidibrugg.it
Website: www.amicidibrugg.it

Exhibition Information: PROMUNIDI S.r.l.
Contact Person: Mr. Luigi De Vecchi
Tel: +39 02 7006 1220-9
Fax: +39 02 7000 6546
E-mail: l.devecchi@unidi.it
E-mail: segreteria@amicidibrugg.it
E-mail: fiere.italia@unidi.it

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